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Amazing Tours


We take schools to various professional acting studios and performing arts complexes (Stella Adler, the Globe Theatre and Pineapple Studios) to attend masterclasses run by industry leaders/teachers.

Pure Dance Tours custom designs tours to link to your Drama curriculum. Our expertise enables us to develop or identify specific, curriculum-linked, experiential learning activities to engage your students in active learning.

There are endless tour options that we can offer. Talk to us today to find out more.

Benefits For Children Participating in Acting Classes

Whether your child has shown an innate interest in acting classes, or whether you’re looking for something to get them to do outside of their usual routines, acting classes might just be what your children need to really find themselves and take that next step in their lives. There are a whole plethora of brilliant benefits that come with allowing your children to participate in acting classes.

While quite a lot of people see acting as a way to boost confidence in young people, there’s so much more to it than just that. We’re here to cover some of the most important benefits involved with getting your children to participate in acting classes.  Contact us now for more details.

1. Reading and Listening Skills

These two skills truly go hand-in-hand with each other and they go a long way in sculpting children into the adults they will become. Acting classes allow children to practice through reading scripts, giving them ideas and complex thoughts that they might otherwise have missed out on while they read their way through a script.

Similarly, they’ll have to listen sharply to make sure they know when their cues are as well as how best to bounce off another actor in their class. There is so much merit behind a solid reader and listener in both early and later life.

2. Improved Memory Skills

It comes as no surprise that the memory skills of most actors are second-to-none when you really compare them to other people of similar ages. Once they’re given a script, it’s all about practice, practice, practice. They’ll need to memorize all of their lines, as well as the lines of other actors in the scene with them, so it’s important to develop their memory early. It’s a great way for them to practice and improve how well they remember things in life.

3. Teamwork

Acting is very rarely a solo performance. While there may come times that children might be required to be up on a stage on their own for a specific performance, most acting and performances require excellent teamwork and communication. Your later life requires these two fundamental skills and abilities so much, that it’s truly a benefit you don’t want to miss out on if you can ingrain it in them while they’re young.

4. Professionalism

There’s so much that can be said for the early professionalism that can be brought out in children, without them even really noticing it. Acting classes require punctuality, preparation, and a positive attitude, all of which work wonders later in life when it comes to your daily working quota. A child who can present these things early has a fantastically easy time finding a job with confidence in the future.

5. Improving Speaking Skills

Acting naturally requires those who choose to pursue it to have excellent enunciation and articulation in their speech. It stops children from getting into those early habits of mumbling or rushing through their words, making them much more prepared for later life when conversational skills are of utmost importance.

6. Improved Body Language

Another difficulty most young people have is conveying their true feelings through body language. Getting them to participate in acting classes actually makes it so they can express themselves with more than just words alone. It helps to teach this to a child because it shows them the kind of message they send to people during a conversation, even if they don’t actually mean it. A good posture goes a long way in promoting kindness and confidence.

7. Friendship

It goes without saying that in acting classes, most children will be grouped with a whole host of other children, both their age and under or over. This provides so many opportunities for them to further their social life and create bonds and friendships that might otherwise have never been possible.

8. Improved Creativity

Acting really allows children to show off their creativity and flair of their imagination, which so many other subjects and activities tend to lack in their early life. It’s such a beautiful thing when a child is truly allowed to express themselves and show just how their mind works, and it speaks volumes that some of the most well-known and successful people we know today are some of the most creative people in the world.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this list has cleared up any questions you might have had with just how important it is to get children into acting classes young. They go such a long way in developing skills, whether they are social, emotional, or communicative, which all work wonders as they come into their adult life. You will set them up for success the minute they arrive at their first acting class!

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